Social Security Optimization

When to take Social Security is a critical decision for you and your spouse’s long-term plans. There is much more to consider than a simple break-even analysis. As holistic financial planners, we help you determine all Social Security strategies that are available to you (i.e., Social Security benefits from: current spousal benefits, former marriages, or a deceased spouse). Then, we help you determine the best time to collect Social Security.

Social Security
Planning Process
As part of the planning process, we take into consideration how your Social Security benefits will interact with other income sources such as:
Employment Income
Required Minimum Distributions (RMDs)
Rental Income
Dividends and Interest
Capital Gains
We also factor in family health conditions, spousal benefits, personal preferences, and more.
When To Take Social Security Benefits
By analyzing your entire financial picture, we are able to recommend a Social Security timing strategy that optimizes your retirement income stream. You get only one chance to make the right choice when claiming Social Security benefits, and the wrong decision could cost you thousands of dollars.